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Are we constantly jumping dimensions?

Writer: Isabel Isabel

I’m sure you’ve heard about different theories discussing parallel dimensions, or jumping dimensions, and this has always intrigued me. After much reflection I had a thought about how we could all constantly be jumping dimensions on an almost daily basis. Without giving too much away, it has to do with shifting the frequency you vibrate at, and this can be done at any time! So if this has intrigued you, then enjoy reading this article.

Now, every human being is living in their own little bubble of reality, that’s simply a fact. Every human being has their own perception of reality. This perception is based upon the different life experiences each individual has encountered, the different beliefs each person has within them internally in their subconscious mind and these beliefs create the external reality each one experiences. And these, well these are different from one individual to the next. I wanted to mention this, for you to understand that each living being on this earth, despite that we’re all connected, has their own perception of reality!

Now, as mentioned above the external reality experienced is formed by the internal beliefs we have. These internal beliefs within our subconscious mind, create emotions which we feel within, and these emotions vibrate at different frequencies.


Depending on the emotion which we feel internally (based upon our thoughts in our subconscious mind) all of our cells vibrate on a frequency on this planet (as this is an electro magnetic planet) encountering matches to this frequency externally. What I mean with this is, depending on the frequency which you vibrate on, you will attract experiences, people, situations in your life matching that frequency.

When you shift the frequency, you vibrate on, you change the experiences, people and situations which you encounter. Now imagine, that when you shift frequency, you don’t only meet different people, who match that frequency, but you meet the same people who are simply vibrating on a different frequency!


I want you to imagine that every human being exists on all the different frequencies imaginable and you encounter that version of the person who matches your current frequency.

To understand this, I’ll provide following example with two different scenarios:

Scenario A:

Imagine your parents, let’s say you have old anger towards them, and you go meet them, and still have these thoughts of “why didn’t they let me pursue a creative career I wanted to…. Why did I have to go into business like they made me do…” full of anger and resentment. So, you meet them, and immediately you sense they are also frustrated, maybe about their own life or with you. Either way during this meet-up, both you and your parents are having an unpleasant moment which most likely will end up in a fight.

Scenario B

Now, let’s say, you spent years healing deep wounds within, which allowed you to release resentment, anger and frustration that your parents didn’t let you pursue a creative career and made you do business. You saw how they simply wanted the best for you, you learnt they really did their best from their level of perception and conscious evolution and you only feel love and gratitude towards them now, despite you not having followed a career path you actually wanted to do. But you healed all those low vibrational feelings towards them and simply feel love towards them, and are using your own past as a lesson of growth and are doing the best out of the current situation you find yourself in life trying to pursue a career and life which will eventually make you happy. So, you go meet your parents and once again you only feel love and don’t have any of that old garbage stuck within your mind. So, you meet them, and during this meet up they also only feel love. They too have been working on healing themselves, on growing their own love and releasing pain from their childhood, and from both of you there is simply love and it’s a beautiful gathering.

Now, in this example, with scenario A and B, the individual in scenario A is vibrating at a low frequency, as the internal thoughts in the subconscious mind of individual A are at a low frequency (look at the scale from the image above). Therefore, the external reality that individual will attract will match that low frequency. In scenario B the individual will attract an external reality matching the high frequency. Since the individuals’ parents don’t change, could it be that, if very human exists in multiple dimensions which all vibrate at different frequencies, the individual is meeting the version of their parents who are matching that exact frequency?

Now I’ve been going over this theory for many years actually, and I’m still developing it, and these thoughts simply came from personal experience. The more I shifted and healed my subconscious mind and shifted low vibrations, the more I would meet the same people but they too seemed different. At first I thought, this must be due to my own perception of reality, because as I mentioned in the beginning of this article we all see the world from our perception and live in our own little bubble, but then I thought, that can’t be it and then was born the thought, what if we all exist on multiple dimensions which vibrate on different frequencies and we all go through life meeting different version of ourselves depending what frequency we vibrate on?

A want to touch upon another topic which has to do with shifting frequencies we vibrate on and on which impacts all of us beings on this plant. In current times, we are strongly shifting into two kinds of worlds, one which is vibrating on higher frequencies (love driven) and another lower frequency (fear driven). You might have heard about this through topics about "the splitting of the earth". Now all frequencies are accessible for each individual to access, and depending on what our subconscious mind looks like, so the frequency we vibrate at internally will impact and be responsible for the external reality we experience. It is said that the earth is splitting into two. This is not happening physically, but vibrationally, and as much as all frequencies are available for us to shift onto, there will be a splitting of the earth energetically, one which is of high frequencies and the other which is of low, and every single human being can choose which “earth” they want to be a part of.

I'm mentioning this, because I simply want to share some help to individuals who have occupied themselves with this topic but who might find themselves fueled with thoughts of low frequency but wish to be part of the earth vibrating at a high frequency. Well, heal, you can heal the wounds within you, to release the thoughts in your mind keeping you at that low frequency. By healing those wounds, you are removing those thought patterns, habits and actions which keep you at that lower frequency place. And by healing, you will releasee them and be able to energetically shift and walk on an earth vibrating at a high frequency.

We can truly all choose which earth we wish to be a part of and that is simply done by each of us making the choice to heal and let go of old wounds and all these low vibrational feelings, which ultimately allow us to shift the frequency we vibrate at and therefore the external matches we experiences.

I hope you enjoyed this article and wishing you loads of fun contemplating this theory and also loads of encouragement to heal any old wounds keeping you from truly thriving on high frequencies. And remember, always keep being curious, asking, questioning everything and listen to your gut guiding you!


We are generation change!

Yours truly,

© Isabel


Picture ©2 Canva


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